Destiny and Khalil are excited to grow their lineage.

Click here for the registry.

They just moved into a home and need all of the help they can get. They made more space for baby, but now need the goods (stuff).

Please no teddybears or pacifiers.

  • Amazon: There are a variety of items.
    • Some will last until baby is a toddler.
    • Quality items on the list allowing for future children (too soon?).
    • You may find clothes for mommy, but they are to support breastfeeding.
    • Please note, that you may contribute to a gift without paying for it in total on the registry for the specific item
  • Money Pool: For those who would rather not purchase a gift, feel free to send funds to direct towards baby. Please note, that you may contribute to a gift without paying for it in total on the registry for the specific item.

Baby Shower: Sunday, May 16  at 1 PM CST/2 PM EST (via Zoom)

EDD: Expecting baby to arrive this summer (maybe in June). 

God is The Best Knower.

Baby’s Birthday: God Willing, it will be inserted here.

Meet Baby: There will be a celebration (depending on the birthday).

Enter for a chance to win a gift!

Take the poll. Tap into your telepathy skills: guess the gender (if you don’t already know) and share who you think the baby will look like.

How Well Do You Know Mommy?