Choose: to want; desire

We know you’re probably wondering, what am I choosing? 

The first step toward making best decisions is to first choose you. 

You are special and worthy to be chosen.

Have you heard of the saying, “You have to teach people how to treat you?” 

Well, we have to first know how to treat self. 

No one will properly choose you, until you learn how to choose YOU as a priority. 

What does it mean to choose you? It means to love and put self first. 

You have a duty to self, so every duty after that depends on how you are being dutiful to you.

How do we help you choose you?

We cater to your needs by reminding you to cater to self.

During these sessions, we discuss what is holding you back from listening to your spirit. It is time for you to live through the choices that you have been sitting on. We go inside to manifest your desires and dreams in the physical reality. Someone said, “Your intuition said what she said. Believe her.” This is what it means to listen to your spirit and this is the work that we are helping you do.
Book Rebirth Session
Our dreams/travels are insight into how we are presently showing up in the world and what our future may look like. During these sessions, we discuss your dream(s) and travels. You will email your dream and then receive a report back on what it means. Following that you will have the option to talk through it or send questions via email. .
Book Dream Interpretation & Faith Session

Looking for a guided MEditation or want assistance with learning how to write your own? Schedule a session with us!

Learn more here.

Affirm means to confirm and commit. Therefore, affirmations are more than words. Words have more power than we may know.

Matthew 11:37 By thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

“With the limited knowledge we have concerning the marvels of vibration, we are beginning to vaguely comprehend that God spoke the universe into existence.”

– Rellimeo, Within the Holy of Holies, Attitudes of Attainment

Whenever God, His Messenger, or His Minister speaks, you notice that they don’t actually talk. They project what they’re going to bring forth like it reads in scripture, “Be and it is”. As gods, are we doing the same? With every word we speak, we are either bringing in life or death. We have a choice and it all starts with our thoughts, so it’s important for us to put meaning behind them.

“What must the meaningful word of Blessing or Affirmation, spoken by a child of God, in harmony with the mind of the Infinite, produce as it vibrates in the mental atmosphere of the Universe!”

– Rellimeo, Within the Holy of Holies, Attitudes of Attainment

The first meaningful words shall be the upliftment of self. This will help us change the way we think and feel about everything else in life. We create new realities by the sound and thoughts we have internally.

“There are occasions when we are greatly helped in the development of self-assurance and faith by the sound of our own voice.”

– Rellimeo, Within the Holy of Holies, Attitudes of Attainment

“It is not presumed that the words, or for that matter, the thought, contained in [Chosen Journi] will be of use to many readers, but they are sent forth in the hope that the outlines given will be suggestive and stimulating to original thinking, – a mustard seed that shall take root and spring up in some rich soil.”

– Rellimeo, Within the Holy of Holies, Attitudes of Attainment

Questions to think over:

In the celebrating you session, we remind you of what needs to be celebrated. There is nothing that is too small. We start with you, daily wins, your birth/born day, significant days/moments that mean something to you.

Then, we work our way up to celebrating you!

Book Celebrating You Session